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I like the idea of a video game replicating electric football that moves the players around via vibration of the motor. There was one game i used to play on my ipod or mobile phones called Super Shock Football which also replicated electric football and has a cool design and presentation. and it used to be something you could play on your phone or ipod, sadly its been delisted and removed from the stores for a while. Madden NFL 11 on mobile devices also had a electric football mode too, but sadly, you cannot play that anymore either. but looking at the screenshots it seems to have physics to where players can get knocked over. i look forward to further developement of this game.


Wow I've actually never seen or heard of Super Shock Football. Definitely didn't know a game like this was made. Looks like it was a great game, a shame it's de-listed.

There's no knock over physics in this game, only old fashion pushing. I wasn't sure how knocking over could be implemented into the gameplay

I definitely want to add more to this game like field goals, better models, and a mobile version. But that may take some time because I also want to make a basketball type game.